05 tricks I use when explaining things to my audience.Look at the sketch, its all about today’s topic. :)Sep 25, 2021Sep 25, 2021
What I was doing for last 04 years as a Software Engineer.I was graduated in mid 2017 from the University of Moratuwa as a Software Engineer and have been working in the industry of Information…Jul 14, 2021Jul 14, 2021
Driving my AUDI for 06 months, Here comes the Feedback!Hope you all are doing good, Pandemic made our lives harder than before. Accept it and be safe as much as you can.Dec 20, 2020Dec 20, 2020
Limited resources? Try XUbuntu Desktop with Ubuntu 20.04If you remember one of my articles “Suggest Installing Ubuntu on your Asus Vivobook, i was talking about how to save some memory in your…Dec 17, 2020Dec 17, 2020
Published inTech x TalentDev-Ops Engineering is the new Trend.Recently, i have started working on new task which is in the area of Dev-Ops and thought about writing. What the heck is Dev-Ops…Sep 29, 2020Sep 29, 2020
Published inNerd For TechSuggest installing Ubuntu on your Asus VivoBook.Recently, i was searching for a very light weight, portable, tiny laptop with longer battery life to surf internet, to do my part time…May 24, 20202May 24, 20202
Published inNerd For TechGet to know Docker ToolboxHave you ever faced the problem, “The code works on my system but not in my colleague’s system”.Apr 28, 2020Apr 28, 2020
Published inTech x TalentConfident enough to face your interview?I need to be very clear here before start writing this article that this a guide for any one who is going to face an interview but some…Apr 6, 2020Apr 6, 2020
Beginner to Angular?I was thinking about sharing my knowledge about Angular and related technologies for last few months and got a chance to start. I need…Apr 5, 2020Apr 5, 2020